Friday, June 20, 2014

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Mini Me

With Rylee we resemble with our hairstyle, and maybe my eyes, but with Camryn...

 she's shockingly a mini me!

Sunday, December 9, 2012

Thursday, November 29, 2012

Lots of Fun Times!

This past Monday Rylee figuratively turned a corner and really started walking! She is much steadier on her feet. At the end notice the rag actually gets stuck on her bottom teeth!

Rylee Turns One!

I had to get a few pictures of her on her actually birthday. Here she's having a snack after I picked the girls up from school. The family went out for dinner to celebrate.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Rylee's First Thanksgiving

 We spent this Thanksgiving in Highlands, NC. It's such beautiful country! Mimi helps Camryn with her new Find and Seek princess book!

 Camryn can't get enough of her new book...Rylee's trying to look too!

 Great pic!

 An attempt to get the Peanut Gallery's picture taken...definitely NOT an easy task! Try getting two very mobile girls looking the same direction AND smiling at the same time!!

 Rylee slept through her first Thanksgiving, but she had her chance to taste all the yummy food. She really liked the cranberries!

 A sprite Mimi and Pop played Ring-Around-the Rosies with Cam and Ry.

 Rylee thought it was hysterical!

 She looks around like, "Why are you all laying on the ground?!"

Snaggle tooth won't let you get too close...she wants the camera for herself!

Monday, November 12, 2012

Couldn't Resist

I know this is out of order, but Rylee's teachers took this at school when the kids were dressed up for Halloween. It is such a great smile I had to ask for a copy, hence I am sharing it with you!